From Planning to Execution: Optimizing Strategies with AI
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Bob Stanke

An early adopter to AI technology, and strong advocate for data-driven decision making, Bob Stanke will provide conference attendees with a look at how artificial intelligence is changing the way organizations can gather, analyze, and select key strategic initiatives. As AI tools become more accessible, Stanke examines how companies can utilize this growing technology for everything from competitive intelligence to executing corporate war gaming scenarios to leaning on AI's powerful ability to spot and analyze trends in large datasets to make strategic decisions. However, as with all other evolutions in business operations and strategic planning, new technology introduces new challenges and concerns that leaders must be aware of. Stanke touches on these challenges and offers solutions for avoiding AI traps in your planning process.

Location Name
Full Address
Fairmont Palliser
133 9 Ave SW
Calgary AB T2P 2M3