Ryan Hannon

Central United Methodist Church


Ryan Hannon
Ryan Hannon is a passionate advocate and unwavering champion for ending homelessness through Street Outreach and the Housing First approach. His awe-inspiring journey in the realm of social justice and housing advocacy is marked by authenticity, compassion, and a deep-rooted commitment to making a lasting impact in the lives of people experiencing homelessness that results from a permanent place to live.
Ryan is a proven catalyst for change, has touched the lives of many, transformed communities, and inspired countless others to join the movement to end homelessness. With his authentic, compassionate, and real approach, Ryan is a powerful force in the fight to create a world where homelessness is a thing of the past, and housing is a basic human right.
Ryan Hannon has been helping people and communities end their homelessness for 17 years though sharing experience as a Street Outreach worker, coordinator, manager, and trainer. Additional experience includes community engagement, shelter best practices, philanthropy, and now day drop-in.
The emphasis of Ryan�s work is on ending homelessness in Northwest Michigan and Street Outreach best practices.