Adapting Your Planning Process for Tired and Distracted People
Friday, May 20, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Collaborative strategy development involves real people engaging in real time against the backdrop of real life. This candid, practical session will provide strategic planning practitioners with road-tested tips for co-creating effective plans with people who are exhausted, distracted, irritable or entrenched. We need a deeper toolbox, a nimble process and a more flexible mindset to channel their attention productively and help them look down a longer road. Drawing on experience across sectors strategizing with hundreds of organizations, this session will explore how adaptability and empathy are powerful sources of fuel to re-energize planning processes with people who are often running on empty.
How does this session align with the conference theme "Strategy in a 'Right Now' World" and topic areas
When people are on overload, they struggle to make time in their calendar or space in their mind for projects they deem non-essential. When the context is volatile, planning for the future can seem impossible. People are living in a state of ‘continuous partial attention.’ It is therefore critical that strategic planning professionals deeply understand the context and mindset of their collaborators and develop planning processes that are responsive rather than tone deaf. Adaptable strategy development processes and responsive strategies are essential in a ‘right now’ world.