Show Me Agility: Agile Strategy Execution
Thursday, May 19, 2022
11:05 AM - 12:05 PM

The rapid pace of change has organizations in every sector struggling to execute daily operations, wrangle big projects, and feel confident that there is a long-term strategy at play. Wrestling with daily trials and being unable to see beyond immediate tasks can feel like working in the weeds. An agile strategy and execution environment, however, can enable us to win tactical battles while maintaining a focus on broader goals that lead to longer term, large-scale success. In this session, I will talk about agile strategy as a role-based enterprise capability and discuss the use of data in strategy execution.   Role-based involvement in strategy and execution, supported by data-driven decisions, drives the continuous execution of ever-relevant strategies. In these uncertain times—and for the foreseeable future—successful organizations will use agile methods to find effective ways to lay out near-term actions that drive toward long-term goals, and make adjustments both in response to and ahead of changes in internal and external environments.

How does this session align with the conference theme "Strategy in a 'Right Now' World" and topic areas
This session addresses agile strategy development and execution in a fast-paced world.