Full Name
Joe Coberly
Job Title
Founder and Futurist
Riding Disruption
Speaker Bio
Mr. Coberly is a career innovator and strategist with extensive experience creating, communicating and championing a progressive vision that leverages technology to achieve a mission. He’s committed to digital transformation through better use of emerging business models. He currently leads technology visioning and innovation for the state of Georgia, and He co-founded the ASP’s Government Community of Practice served on the board of the ASP’s Atlanta Chapter. Areas of expertise include Innovation, Strategic Planning, Facilitating, Machine Learning, AI and Data Analytics. Mr. Coberly is responsible for defining the strategic planning methodology for the Georgia Technology Authority and creating the IT Strategy Cycle for the state of Georgia (https://gta.georgia.gov/enterprise-strategy-support) and the Georgia Enterprise IT Strategy (https://gta.georgia.gov/enterprise-governance-and-planning-main-page/it-strategic-plan-2025). Together these provided a clear IT vision and mission that enabled Georgia to rise to the top of US states in digital government. https://www.govtech.com/cdg/digital-states/Digital-States-Survey-2018-Results.html) Mr. Coberly has been a speaker on innovation, strategy and collaboration for national and state-wide audiences over the last ten years. These include: The National Association for Chief Information Officers Annual Conference, the Association for Strategic Planning National Conference, and the Georgia Technology Authority Technology Summit. Before leading IT strategic planning and innovation for the state of Georgia, Mr. Coberly had a diverse career. He has been a thought leader, guiding the use of technology to achieve business objectives for over 20 years. Past roles include Strategy Director, Telecommunications IT strategist, Business Consultant, and Artificial Intelligence Researcher. Employers and clients range from the fortune 100 to internet startups and include Equifax, BellSouth, BAPCO, Eastman Kodak and MCI.
Joe Coberly