Deeply Affordable Supportive Housing - Developing with the Tenant in Mind*
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
*this session is eligible for NASW CE credits

This session will explore the supportive housing development process and strategies to engage people with lived homelessness experience throughout to inform all aspects of the SH project. Throughout the development process, SH partners should create opportunities for PWLE to share their ideas on making SH tenant-centered, trauma-informed, and welcoming. This may include how to create welcoming spaces, designing to create a sense of safety, understanding how spaces can reduce traumatization, engaging the surrounding neighborhood, and more. In this session, you will hear from SH partners doing this work, tenants that's engaged in the SH development process, and CSH, who will bring examples from communities across the country. Presenters will discuss opportunities for engagement while building the project concept, identifying project partners, project design, service plan, tenant selection and property management, and community building and how to ensure there are adequate resources and supports to implement.