Full Name
Sarah Prout Rennie
Job Title
Executive Director
Speaker Bio
Sarah Prout Rennie, JD, is Executive Director for the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCEDSV). Ms. Rennie has been an attorney for over twenty years and has extensive experience serving survivors. She has also served as Executive Director of a non-profit that had two physical shelters, one for DV & one for housing, was the HARA, did rapid rehousing as well as had a Department of Community Health grant (Now DHHS) grant for permanent supportive housing. Since becoming Executive Director of MCEDSV in 2015; Sarah has shifted work to include a housing focus, she currently serves on the Michigan Homeless Policy Council, (where she led an effort to review the VII SPDAT), has facilitated efforts to create a statewide comparable database to ensure domestic violence families experiencing homelessness are counted statewide, and has demonstrated her commitment to Detroit by becoming a member of the Detroit COC Board.
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