9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Attracting More Customers Through Agritainment
Learn how agritourism can bring your farm to life! From group tours, summer camps, festivals and events learn how to attract more customers to your farm through agriculture. Learn the basics of how agritourism can help grow your business and how unique activities and attractions can engage your customers and enhance your farm’s experience. This session will teach you how to bring your current agritourism offerings to the next level or how to start offering your own agritourism attractions at your farm.
- Kaley Pittsley - Blake's Orchard and Cider Mill
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Farmer-to-Farmer Support - Resources and Tools for Farmers Experiencing Stress
Taking care of an agritourism operation can be hard. Caring for your own health and wellness in this high-stress profession is often overlooked but is just as critical as caring for your business. Through this workshop, a panel of farmers will share their stories alongside our experts with Michigan State University Extension who will provide an overview of stressors that farmers often encounter, share best practices for connecting farmers and their families with resources, unpack the detrimental impact of stress on the body, and provide information on how to recognize some of the signs of stress and suicide. Additionally, participants will be introduced to local and national resources that have been developed to support the farming community.
- Remington Rice - Michigan State University Extension
- Eric Karbowski - Michigan State University Extension
Kaley Pittsley - Blake's Orchard & Cider Mill
Remington Rice - MSU