The Many Faces of Idea: An Overview of Accommodating Disabilities Within the Music Classroom
Friday, January 28, 2022
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) supports the inclusion of all students within the general education setting to the maximum extent possible. The music classroom is an environment where students with special needs are commonly mainstreamed with their general education peers. This session will provide a brief overview of IDEA’s thirteen disability categories, including common characteristics, specific considerations and potential accommodations for the music classroom.
Learning Objective 1
Participants will describe each of the thirteen disabilities included within IDEA.
Learning Objective 2
Participants will identify at least one consideration for including a student with each disability within their music classroom.
Learning Objective 3
Participants will identify at least one accommodation they can implement within their classroom for a student with a disability.
Target Audiences
Choral, Elementary, Strings, Band, General Education
Session Level
Elementary, Middle School/Junior High, High School
Session Type