Tips for Your Jazz Band Guitarist
Friday, January 28, 2022
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
With little, or no, guitar skills, band directors can help the guitarist in the jazz band get the right sound and play stylistically correct. Participants in this session will be given information to pass on to their jazz band guitarist that will improve their sound and playing. Topics will include: getting the correct sound, what chords to play, stylistic rhythm techniques, and soloing tips. Band directors with guitar skills will also benefit from the session.
Learning Objective 1
Jazz band directors will learn what to tell their guitarist to do and use to achieve an appropriate sound.
Learning Objective 2
Jazz band directors will know what to tell their guitarist(s) to do to play stylistically correct.
Learning Objective 3
Directors will learn what guitarists to have their students listen to and what materials are available to help the students improve their playing.
Target Audiences
Session Level
Middle School/Junior High, High School
Session Type