Lit & Listen: Using Literature and Listening to Address SEL
Friday, January 28, 2022
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
SEL seems like a buzzword these days, but music teachers have already been implementing Social and Emotional Learning into their classrooms seamlessly. In this session, we will discuss the basics of SEL, why it is important, and how literature and listening can help you create lessons with an SEL focus without 'stopping' to include it. Attendees will walk away with several ideas to implement immediately. .
Learning Objective 1
Attendees will discover a basic understanding of Social and Emotional Learning
Learning Objective 2
Attendees will learn how literature and listening lessons can enhance SEL practices in the music classroom.
Learning Objective 3
Attendees will walk away with several ideas to implement SEL lessons without changing the look of their class structure.
Target Audiences
Session Level
Elementary, Collegiate, Administrator
Session Type