A Session for Parents/Guardians and Students: Transitioning to College Music Participation
Friday, January 28, 2022
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Do you have a student interested in college music participation (as a major, minor, or just for fun)? This session for parents/guardians, students and directors, offers information about: types of music degree offerings and related career options, auditions, financial aid and scholarship consideration, and how to select the right institution size (private vs. public, large vs. small) for your future college student. Come and learn how to offer support to this important decision making process!
Learning Objective 1
Parents/guardians, students and directors will gain information regarding the transition from high school to college music participation.
Learning Objective 2
Parents/guardians, students and directors will gain information provided about degree options (and what they offer as a career), financial aid, scholarships and auditions
Learning Objective 3
Parents/guardians, students and directors will gain information regarding the right fit as far as institution size and type.
Target Audiences
Choral, Strings, Band
Session Level
High School, Collegiate
Session Type