Amplifying Meaning Music-Making: What Concepts Do I Teach When?
Saturday, January 29, 2022
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Join us in an active discussion with lesson examples and activities around musical sequencing, or what concepts you choose to teach at specific points in your curriculum. See how adding this layer to your already-awesome music teaching will intensify and accelerate your students' meaningful music-making. We'll take a look at traditional Kodaly sequencing along with other methods and how to adapt and create your own.
Learning Objective 1
Attendees will come away with specific sequences they can use right away if they use.
Learning Objective 2
Attendees will experience specific lesson ideas and how they may be applied to their teaching.
Learning Objective 3
Attendees will gain specific tools for adapting and creating their own sequences to use in their classroom.
Target Audiences
Session Level
Session Type