Help! My Jazz Rhythm Section Is Not SwingIng!

Saturday, January 29, 2022
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM


The sound and feel of your rhythm section affects the entire band, but many times, it is not the first thing we address. WMU Jazz Drum Set Professor Keith Hall is here to help with practical steps to help you get the most out of your rhythm section and help your entire band to swing! Demonstration will also include WMU Jazz Professors Matthew Fries (piano), John Hebert (bass) and Matt Landon (guitar).

Learning Objective 1
Learn how the feel and sound of the Rhythm Section affects the entire band.
Learning Objective 2
Learn the important elements of each Rhythm Section instrument and how they contribute to the group.
Learning Objective 3
Learn how to get the most out of your Rhythm Section and achieve a strong swing feel.
Target Audiences
Session Level
Middle School/Junior High, High School, Collegiate
Session Type