What's So Fetch About Solfege
Saturday, January 29, 2022
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
It's totally gonna happen. Solfege is the key to kicking up your class, but what more is there to it than teaching "Do-Re-Mi"? For new & seasoned teachers alike, this session will refresh as well as give you activities, games, and engaging student lessons to make solfege a real tool for your classroom. Teach ear training to even your youngest students, or use with upper el and middle school musicians making solfege a tool that works for you. No experience required. All your kids can do this!
Learning Objective 1
Attendees will learn how students can use solfege to be self-sufficient reading age appropriate music. 

Learning Objective 2
Attendees will learn how to use solfege to enhance student-led learning, and use solfege as a tool for student creativity. 

Learning Objective 3
Attendees will learn a variety of engaging games, centers and student activities to enhance learning.
Target Audiences
Choral, Elementary, General Education
Session Level
Elementary, Middle School/Junior High, Administrator
Session Type