Take a “Transit Walk” at the Mobility Center
Date & Time
Monday, November 6, 2023, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Pre-registration required. Please see Registration Help Desk to inquire about space available. 

Valley Metro’s Mobility Center provides several services for customers with specialized mobility needs, from ADA certification to fixed-route travel training to information about fare pass programs. It’s a state-of-the-art, multifunctional facility that simulates the look and feel of the public transit system. Take a “transit walk” through a simulated streetscape in an indoor environment, featuring a street crossing with curb cuts, a pedestrian activated street signal, a bus stop and shelter, a light rail station and a Valley Metro bus. Learn how Valley Metro’s customers use the facility: to experience the accessibility of Valley Metro buses and trains in a safe and controlled setting. For Valley Metro staff, the transit environment provides an opportunity to accurately evaluate whether buses and trains can accommodate the specific needs of each customer who applies to use ADA Paratransit service and determine if travel training might be a viable option.

Location Name
Mobile Workshop Check In - 3rd Floor
Full Address
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
340 N 3rd St
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States
Session Type
Mobile Workshop
End Date
Monday, November 6, 2023
CM 1.5
Accessibility/ADA, Operations