Bicycle approximately 8.5 miles along the Delaware River and learn about the Master Plan for the Central Delaware River, which guides policy and investment strategies for 6 miles of riverfront. See some of the changes since the plan’s adoption in 2012: six waterfront parks, three connector streets and nearly three miles of the Delaware River Trail. Construction also is underway for the 9 million Park at Penn’s Landing, which will consist of a cap over Interstate 95, linking the waterfront to historic Old City. These improvements, together with a Waterfront Transit Study, have sparked .1 billion in adjacent private investment since 2014. Learn about the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation and partnerships involving the City of Philadelphia, PennDOT, SEPTA and other stakeholders. See how the mixture of economic and community development makes the waterfront a treasured public amenity for residents and visitors alike.
Price: $65
This Mobile Workshop is sponsored by Bicycle Transit Systems