The Power of Community: Case Studies for Building a Sustained Action Base
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Session Type

Transportation project timelines and cycles present challenges for authentic community engagement. How do you build the sustained relationships necessary to really hear and understand community needs and views, especially those of under-represented, low income, non-English-speaking or BIPOC segments of the population? Three case studies offer different pathways. In one location, an existing Ambassador program focused on new immigrants and asylum seekers – a group for whom transit access is crucial. Another location changed work pipelines to determine, design and develop projects with input from under-represented communities. And in a third location, with a history of underinvestment and lack of trust, a “Slow Engagement Pilot” sought to build relationships outside of project cycles. Consider how these approaches might help tap the power of community in your locale.

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