Full Name
Connor Descheemaker
Job Title
Coalition Manager
Transit Forward Philadelphia
Speaker Bio
Connor arrives with over eight years of experience facilitating coalitions and working with members to produce a more equitable and sustainable urban environment. They love cities deeply, and are a deep listener of the neighborhoods and locales they visit and inhabit. Currently, they serve as the Coalition Manager for Transit Forward Philadelphia, a group of over 30 community-based organizations advocating for more accessible, reliable, and sustainable public transportation in Southeast Pennsylvania.
Transit Forward Philadelphia is the primary convener for public transit advocacy in the region and serves in lead and support roles on a variety of advocacy issues. Accessibility is the throughline in its work, and thus it has played roles in campaigns for camera-assisted bus lane/bus stop enforcement, creation of public intercity bus terminal, supporting general accessibility improvements across the Philadelphia-area transit system.
Transit Forward Philadelphia is the primary convener for public transit advocacy in the region and serves in lead and support roles on a variety of advocacy issues. Accessibility is the throughline in its work, and thus it has played roles in campaigns for camera-assisted bus lane/bus stop enforcement, creation of public intercity bus terminal, supporting general accessibility improvements across the Philadelphia-area transit system.
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