Full Name
Waffiyyah Murray
Job Title
Indego Program Manager
City of Philadelphia
Speaker Bio
Waffiyyah Murray (she/hers) is a nationally recognized expert in the realm of transportation equity with a background in nonprofit leadership and youth development. She has presented at several national conferences and provided technical assistance to numerous shared micromobility systems working to incorporate equity within their work. As the Education Program Manager for the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, she coordinated its Safe Routes to School program, a national initiative promoting safety and physical activity in school-age children through walking and biking. In her former role as the Better Bike Share Partnership Program Manager for the City of Philadelphia, Waffiyyah worked to address barriers to the use of Indego bike share for individuals with low-income and BIPOC communities, while increasing equitable access in micromobility systems worldwide. In her current role as Indego Program Manager, Waffiyyah is responsible for oversight, planning, and management of the City of Philadelphia's Indego bike share program. Waffiyyah also serves as a Vice President and board member for the North American Bikeshare and Scootershare Association.
Waffiyyah Murray