The reduced cost and ease of genome sequencing, complemented by modern reverse genetic approaches like genome editing, has led to a broadened list of emerging model plant organisms. In order to study traits that are unique to potato such as resistance against biotic and abiotic factors, tuber quality-related traits and self-fertility there must be germplasm that can be used as a model for functional analyses. At the diploid level, applications of genome editing to study gene function are much simpler than in tetraploids due to the fewer allelic and copy number variants. A screen of diploid potato germplasm for a high regeneration rate, self-fertility, quality tuber traits and genetic transformability yielded the heterozygous Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja diploid clone, 1S1, developed at Virginia Tech. To create a contiguous genome assembly, a homozygous doubled monoploid of 1S1 (DM1S1) was sequenced using 44 Gbp of long reads generated from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) yielding a 736 Mb assembly. The final assembly contains 99.5% of the benchmarking universal single-copy orthologs (BUSCOs) present in the embryophyta odb10 dataset. We are using Illumina reads from 1S1 to deduce the alternative haplotype of 1S1. Access to genomic resources for a readily transformable diploid potato will facilitate functional and comparative genomic analysis to further advance potato breeding.