Tracking the Origin of Ozette Potato
Date & Time
Monday, July 18, 2022, 3:30 PM

The Ozette potato is one of the oldest heirloom variety grown in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region. It was grown for over two centuries by the Makah tribe native to PNW coast of Washington and was rediscovered in the late 1980s. However, its precise genetic origin is not yet known. There are several Ozette-type clones with different names grown in different parts of the PNW including Alaska. The prominent ones are Haida, Tenakee, Kasaan and Maria. Genetic analysis of these Ozette-type and Ozette potato using SNPs and SSR markers, revealed that all these varieties are genetically identical. Based on the earlier reports, Ozette appears to be closely related to Mexican and Chilean cultivars, indicating Mexico and/or Chile as the probable origin the Ozette rather than European origin. To further, track the origin, we plan on performing whole genome sequence of Ozette potato using PacBio HiFi Sequencing. The publicly available genomes of cultivated potatoes from Europe, North America, Mexico and Chile, and Central Andean regions will be used to calculate the genetic distance. Based on the genetic distances and unique genome architecture, it will be possible to track the origin of Ozette†potato.

Session Type
Parent Session
7/18 - Concurrent Sessions A