A major goal of potato breeding is to release varieties that perform well nationally, even in harsh environments. However, the first several rounds of selection take place in local environments and only top performing lines in these early trials are evaluated nationally. This may lead to selection for lines that perform best in the environments they were selected in and make breeding for stability across environments more difficult. As the climate continues to change, selecting varieties that perform well in harsher environments and across wider environmental gradients is of utmost importance. Finding alleles that mediate environmental effects, which can be integrated into early mapping assisted selection schemes, could aid breeders in releasing varieties that perform well in these environments. Here, we evaluated data in the National Chip and Fry Processing Trials for alleles associated with local adaptation as well as Genotype-by-Environment interactions (GxE) with a goal of finding alleles that mediate the effects of environment. We were especially interested in finding alleles selected for under harsh conditions, such as heat stress and drought. We show high levels of GxE present in these data for yield. While we also found alleles associated with different breeding programs, it is unclear if we will find evidence that these alleles mediate environmental effects in the location where they were selected or were the result of other traits of interest unrelated to the environment.