The Canadian Private Potato Breeders Network
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 10:45 AM

The Canadian Private Potato Breeders Network (CPPBN) was formed in 2008 to share knowledge and potato germplasm among breeders and to represent private breeders in communications with government, particularly Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). This network of private breeders represent nine potato breeding programs from across Canada (Gaia Consulting, Cavendish Farms, Quebec Potato Research Consortium, Potatoes Dolbec, Mimosa Breeding and Research, Privar Farm, Progest 2001, Sunrise Potato Storage, Tuberosum Technologies) who share expertise and genetic material amongst themselves and cooperate with many public institutions on an individual basis. Commercialized varieties include Prospect, Arbor Globe, Lollipop, Dark Red Chieftain, Envol, Alliston, SP213, SP241 and SP327 and others that are in advanced trials in North America. Some CPPBN advanced seedlings are also being evaluated in Africa, Vietnam and China. The CPPBN program, amongst its members, evaluates in excess of 200,000 seedlings annually. The CPPBN program covers all potato sectors, including fresh market, French-fry processing, chip and specialty potatoes.

Session Type
Parent Session
7/19 - Concurrent Sessions D