Characterization of S-locus RNase and S-locus inhibitor sequence diversity in diploid wild potato accessions
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 1:15 PM

Many diploid tuber-bearing Solanum species are self-incompatible due to a gametophytic self-incompatibility system that promotes outbreeding. Obligate outbreeding complicates the incorporation of disease resistance and other traits into cultivated potato from wild species relatives. A multiallelic locus, the S-locus, controls self-incompatibility in Solanum based, in part, on S-RNase-mediated degradation of RNA in pollen tubes. S-RNase genes within the S-locus are highly diverse and multiple alleles have been identified in cultivated potato and wild species relatives of potato. Mutations in S-RNase introduced by gene editing have produced self-compatible individuals from self-incompatible genotypes. Self-incompatibility has also been overcome in plants by incorporating the dominant S-locus inhibitor (Sli) from Solanum chacoense. The introgression of Sli facilitated the development of inbred lines such as M6. However, the Sli region has not been widely explored in other wild potato accessions and genotypes that have shown self-compatibility. Our study is characterizing S-RNase and Sli sequences in accessions of diploid wild potato species such as S. berthaultii, S. brevicaule, S. chacoense, S. candolleanum, S. infundibuliforme, S. kurtzianum, S. microdontum, S. raphanipholium, S. verrucosum and S. vernei. Hybrid capture and long read sequencing are being used to characterize S-RNase sequence variation. Variation in Sli is being determined by long read amplicon sequencing. These new genomic resources and data on self-fertility of these accessions will be used to design strategies for diploid hybrid potato breeding.

Session Type
Parent Session
7/19 - Concurrent Sessions F