MN13142 is a dual purpose, mid-season maturing potato variety with exceptionally long dormancy, suitable as both fresh table stock, and French fry processing clone. This clone produces uniform, oblong tubers, with very attractive heavily russeted skin. Tubers size profile favors large 6-10 oz potatoes with 5% being greater than 14 oz. When compared to Russet Burbank, MN13142 yields less, but marketable is similar. Specific gravity is similar to Russet Burbank, and French fry is lighter. These traits along with the long dormancy without CIPC application, and uniform shape under drought conditions, position this variety well for organic production. Variable N fertilization trial results indicate 240 lb/A total N applied is optimal for MN13142. Following storage at 9C, for six months, this clone produces French fries with lighter color than Russet Burbank. The tuber dormancy of MN13142 is exceptionally long at over 270 days when stored at 9C, without the application of CIPC with significantly less shrinkage than Russet Burbank. Although MN13142’s parentage is unknown it has a genetically unique SNP profile that suggests both its parents are from the Idaho breeding program and has the resistance allele for PVY from the Rysto gene.