Light-induced tuber greening reflects chlorophyll formation and is not toxic. However, the increased formation of glycoalkaloids has been associated with tuber greening and can result in bitterness and toxicity to humans at higher concentrations. Tuber greening and increases in associated tuber glycoalkaloids are undesirable and result in economic losses both to the fresh-pack and processing industries. Bamberg and co-authors reported on the identification of resistance to tuber greening in the potato species, Solanum microdontum (mcd), with some clones showing little increase in tuber glycoalkaloids following illumination. This unique mcd germplasm was used in hybridizations to cultivated potato (tbr). A tetraploid mcd-tbr hybrid, A13396-31 was generated and characterized as having resistance to both tuber greening and the accumulation of tuber glycoalkaloids following four days of constant illumination. This unique hybrid was hybridized with the potato variety Castle Russet to generate family A201085. One-hundred and forty-one progeny of this family produced sufficient tubers for assessing response to tuber greening and the accumulation of glycoalkaloids following illumination in a growth chamber with parental clones also being evaluated. Data will be presented on the inheritance of tuber greening and tuber glycoalkaloid concentrations of illuminated and non-illuminated tubers of family A201085. The data for tuber greening and glycoalkaloids, along with additional morphological characteristics collected on this population, are currently being utilized for identifying QTLs associated with these unique traits.