In a short growing season, planting potato seed-tubers as early as possible to accumulate more growing degree days can lead to higher yields, however, planting too early can lead to potential injury to the crop resulting in lower yields; planting date has also been show to have an effect on verticilium accumulation but appears to be cultivar specific. Russet Burbank, Bannock Russet and Dakota Russet were planted at an early, average, and late planting dates in Larimore, ND and Perham, MN. Starting at tuber initiation, subplots of 5 row feet (5 plants) were sampled on a two week interval, collecting tubers and stems. Tubers were weighed individually and photographed for vascular discoloration. Stems collected from the 5 plants were dried and assessed for verticillium. Planting date on bulking rate was cultivar dependent. Dakota Russet and Russet Burbank had an increase in overall bulking rate for the 2nd planting date later on in the season, and no difference in final yield between the 1st or 2nd planting date. Bannock seed tubers planted earlier showed the highest bulking rates and the highest end yields compared to later planting dates. Verticillium accumulation throughout the growing season will be discussed and compared to the bulking data. These data suggest that planting Russet Burbank and Dakota Russet cultivars later could lead to higher yields, however, planting Bannock Russet earlier in the season is necessary to allow sufficient time for bulking. Future research will focus on gathering additional data to aid in producing a model for recommending planting dates based on bulking patterns and verticilium accumulation in the Red River Valley.