Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) row width in Minnesota and North Dakota varies from 86 to 96 cm, but narrower spacing may increase yield. The benefit of narrower row width for red-, yellow- and white- skinned potato production in Minnesota and North Dakota is not known. Experiments were conducted to determine the yield response of fresh table stock and chip processing potato cultivars to narrow row width under irrigated conditions. Field experiments were conducted in 2021 at the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association irrigated research site near Inkster, ND. A randomized complete block design with a split-plot factorial arrangement and four replicates was utilized. Row width was the main plot factor (71, 76, 81, 86, and 91 cm) and cultivar was the sub-plot factor. Fresh table stock cultivars planted were Red Norland, Modoc, Agata, and Musica. In a separate trial, chip processing cultivars included Snowden, Lady Liberty, Dakota Pearl, and Manistee. The fresh table stock trial planted at 71 cm row width had significantly (P<0.05) higher total tuber yield compared to the 76, 86, and 91 cm row widths. Additionally, the 81 cm row width resulted in higher total tuber yield compared to the 91cm row width. Row spacings of 71, 76, and 81 cm row widths produced higher marketable tuber yield compared to the grower standard of 91 cm row width. Significantly higher total tuber yield was attained using the 71 cm row width, compared to 86 cm in the chip processing trial and further, resulted in higher marketable tuber yield compared to the 86 cm and 91 cm row widths. Narrower row width may increase potato yield; however, further research is necessary to study effects of row width on potato production and the economics of narrow row spacing.