Kendra Spanjer
Ottawa County MDHHS
Speaking At
Kendra has worked for MDHHS in many capacities for 22+ years. During her career, she has served on four different CoCs and most recently has been on the Executive Committee of the Lakeshore Housing Alliance for ten years. Ottawa MDHHS piloted the Family Unification Program Grant with the collaboration efforts of the CoC and HARA. Some of the ways Kendra has assisted with housing efforts have included participation on the chronically homeless review meetings, having staff deployed to housing encampments and the local drop-in center, participation on the planning committee for CERA funds during COVID, assisting in approving distribution of funds to housing programs with the Accountability Committee and most recently supported initiatives for housing choice first for families with children that are facing child welfare involvement and/or could be returned to a parent if housing was not a barrier to reunification.