Taylor Eberhart
Community Housing Network, Inc.

Taylor Eberhart is a licensed Clinical Social Worker. She received her Bachelor�s in Social Work from Oakland University and then her Master�s in Social Work from the University of Michigan. Taylor is currently the Director of Short-Term Programs at Community Housing Network, where she oversees a multitude of programs including Rapid Rehousing, Homeless Prevention, Housing Navigation, Housing Stability Services, and the HCV Mobility Program. Taylor is a staunch advocate for those who are experiencing any housing instability regardless of their definition of homelessness.
When she is not working, Taylor enjoys spending time with her fianc�, family & friends, and loves alone time so she can knit & read in peace.
When she is not working, Taylor enjoys spending time with her fianc�, family & friends, and loves alone time so she can knit & read in peace.