Responsive Strategy: Addressing COVID-19 and Developing a Statewide Housing Plan *

Wednesday, May 5, 2021
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Target Audience
Advocacy Groups, Architects, Construction, Downtown Developers, Engineering, Financiers, Housing Counseling, Landlords, Legislators, Management Companies, Main Streets, Municipalities, Nonprofit/for-profit Developers, Property Dealings, Realtors, Serving the Homeless

MSHDA’s most recent strategic planning effort has been an example of resilience and adaption. When the pandemic hit, a planning process was already underway. Out of immediate necessity and a desire to respond to the longer-term consequences of this crisis, MSHDA built on that process to articulate the challenges and response options. Taking on a wider focus, MSHDA is also engaging partners and other stakeholders to create Michigan’s first statewide housing plan, which involves bringing many voices together to inform strategy. In this session, we share the process MSHDA has used to identify needs, gather ideas, and establish priorities and approaches for these plans. We will discuss how these plans support resiliency in the wider housing system in Michigan, and attendees will have an opportunity to contribute to the statewide housing plan. This session is planned as a small panel with audience engagement, for a maximum of 60 minutes. The speakers are the MSHDA lead for strategic planning and the consultant project director. Audience engagement may occur through polls, Q&A, and other exchange of ideas. The session has a broad audience since it discusses a statewide effort; it would be appropriate for any housing stakeholder.

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