MSHDA Homeownership - the MI 10K DPA Loan *
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Target Audience
Housing Counseling, Main Streets, Municipalities, Nonprofit/for-profit Developers, Serving the Homeless
Attend the MSHDA Homeownership session and learn about the new down payment program, the MI 10K DPA Loan! The MI 10K DPA Loan is available with the MI Home Loan mortgage program. This session will also provide information about exciting program enhancements that make our loans available to more homebuyers throughout the state. We will also have a detailed overview of the MI Home Loan, MI Home Loan Flex, MI DPA Loan, MI 10K DPA Loan, and the Mortgage Credit Certificate (a federal homebuyer tax credit), as well as an overview of the services provided by MSHDA’s network of HUD Housing Counseling Agencies.
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