Ashley Halladay-Schmandt
Northwest Michigan Coalition to End Homelessness

Ashley has been involved in the work to end homelessness for over 10 years. Starting as a case manager with Community Mental Health on Chicago’s west-side, to now serving as the Director of the Northwest Michigan Coalition to End Homelessness, Ashley has experience working throughout all levels of the homeless service system. Ashley has been involved with the NWCEH since 2013, and has helped implement one of the nation’s first rural-led Youth Homeless Demonstration Projects. She has experience implementing Coordinated Entry, Diversion, Street Outreach and Rapid Rehousing programs. Ashley knows that homelessness can become rare, brief and one-time in every region of Michigan if we stay dedicated to systems change, accountability, collaboration and data driven decision making. She believes in continuous improvement and the idea that there is always room to grow, more to learn, and innovative solutions to some of our most complex problems.