Full Name
Malik Yakini
Detroit Black Community Food Sovereignty Network
Speaker Bio
Malik Kenyatta Yakini is co-founder and Executive Director of the Detroit Black Community Food Security Network (DBCFSN). DBCFSN operates the seven-acre D-Town Farm, two youth development programs and is co-developing the Detroit Food Commons, a new 31,000 sq. ft. two story building in Detroit’s North End that will house the Detroit People’s Food Co-op, four shared use kitchens and a banquet hall. He serves as a board member of the co-op. Yakini views the work of DBCFSN as part of the larger movement for building power, self-determination, and justice. He is adamantly opposed to the systems of white supremacy, capitalism and patriarchy. He has an intense interest in contributing to the development of an international food sovereignty movement that embraces Black communities in the Americas, the Caribbean and Africa. He is a co-founder of the National Black Food and Justice Alliance.
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