Full Name
Raagan Wilhelm
Speaker Bio
Raagan Wilhelm manages energy optimization and state level building decarbonization work at Ceres a sustainability advocacy organization that works with major businesses across the country. Raagan works closely with building industry experts, data companies, energy efficiency and utility program implementers, and appliance manufacturers, to advocate for policy related to building decarbonization, electrification, and energy efficiency. Prior to joining Ceres, Raagan worked in the Connecticut Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy (BETP) as a Rate Specialist focused on implementing distributed energy resource programs in the residential and nonresidential sectors and facilitating the Microgrid Grant and Loan Program. She also worked as the regulatory advocate in front of the CT Public Utility Commission on barriers to accessing clean, affordable, and efficient electric services for low-and-moderate-income ratepayers and New England regional distribution grid planning. Raagan received her Juris Doctor from Vermont Law School with a focus on environmental legal research and energy regulation and a Bachelor of Art from Eastern Connecticut State University in political science with a focus in sustainable development.
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