Student Talk While Rehearsing Ensembles: There is more than I can finally hear the flutes!
Saturday, January 25, 2025
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
This is a session to help prepare music teachers to put their students in charge of rehearsals. When students can run a rehearsal they will learn more about the music and their part within the music. Their teachers will have the ability to hear other issues and come up with other ways to connect with their students.
Learning Objective 1
Student ownership of their ensembles through score study and appropriate feedback.
Learning Objective 2
Teacher reflection upon rehearsal. Most students will imitate their teacher's instruction and this will allow you to reflect upon what did and did not work.
Learning Objective 3
Fulfilling district evaluation mandates of student talk/ownership/engagement in your class.
Session Level
Elementary, Middle School/Junior High, High School
Session Type