The Valuable Online Music Educator

Thursday, January 23, 2025
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

As music educators, we strive to create effective musical environments, develop innovative teaching models and commit to connecting with our students. This is the reality for in-person teaching, but also of online teaching environments. Traditionally, music education has been offered in classrooms, studios and other various in-person settings. However, in recent years, online music class time has become a staple within households worldwide. New technology, AI, globalization and the ongoing rapid-paced work environment, have all impacted the current and developing online music pedagogical models and their necessity in our daily lives. Lessons offered in real-time with complimentary access to online flipped classroom seances offer a positive mix that contributes to maintaining student’s interest and engaging learning time. Many of the new technological gains have contributed to ensure quality music education in homes worldwide. Basic online learning has been a reality for some decades now, and offering music lessons through mobile and conferencing services has contributed significantly in how we conceive the notion of time, accessibility and music material review. Student success, their identity in relation to the music/instrument they play and their sense of belonging are the main elements which provide a sound engagement on behalf of online music teachers. Finally, beyond the music, the primary ingredient in creating a growing and inclusive online learning musical space lies in the unwavering commitment and connection established between the teacher and the pupil. That unfaltering dedication and connection will contribute to the ongoing development and growth of online musical pedagogy.
Tanya Karamanos
Learning Objective 1
How to create safe, inclusive and motivating online environments for our students
Learning Objective 2
Understanding how the current technological climate impacts online musical pedagogy
Learning Objective 3
Our teaching philosophies and the necessity of connecting to our students
Session Level
Elementary, Middle School/Junior High, High School, Collegiate, Retired
Session Type