Ask a Music Therapist Take 5: A Panel Discussion

Friday, January 24, 2025
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Do you have questions about teaching music to students of all abilities? Are you wondering how to more effectively manage behaviors and meet the unique social, emotional, and educational needs of all students? Bring your questions to this session, where a panel of music educators - who are dually-certified as music therapists - will work to problem solve, coach, and collaborate, working to find solutions for educating the diverse needs of today’s student.
Kellee Hansen
Laurel Rosen-Weatherford
Kellee Hansen
Meagan Grammatico
Learning Objective 1
Participants will describe an accommodation or modification for teaching music to students of all abilities.
Learning Objective 2
Participants will identify at least one resource for teaching music to students with diverse needs.
Learning Objective 3
Participants will identify one action-step for improving their instruction for all students receiving music instruction.
Session Level
Elementary, Middle School/Junior High, High School, Collegiate, Administrator, Retired
Session Type