The Impact of Tobacco Rattle Virus on Potato Quality at Harvest and in Storage

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
1:50 PM - 2:10 PM

Tobacco rattle virus (TRV) can cause internal tuber necrotic symptoms (corky ringspot disease) making potatoes unmarketable. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of TRV on tuber symptoms and processing quality at harvest and in storage. Four cultivars (Alpine Russet, Bannock Russet, Ranger Russet and Russet Burbank) were planted into known TRV contaminated fields in North Dakota (ND) and Washington (WA) (year 1 and 2) and three cultivars (Castle Russet, Payette Russet and Russet Burbank) in WA fields (year 3 and 4). Harvested tubers were shipped to the University of Idaho Potato Storage Research Facility. At harvest, individual tubers (25 tubers/replicate, 3 replicates) were sliced, examined for visual symptoms, and fry color determined. Sub-samples were placed in storage (8.9°C,95%RH) for one or two post-harvest evaluations to monitor fry color and symptom development. Year and location were analyzed separately. In year 1, symptoms in ND tubers increased from 1.4% at harvest to 29.5% in late storage for all cultivars combined. In year 2, no differences in symptoms between cultivars (50.9%) or timing (50.9%) were observed. Ranger Russet tubers were not included. Washington grown tubers in year 1, showed high symptom incidence at harvest and remained at this level throughout storage (39.0%). In year 2, Alpine Russet displayed significantly higher symptom incidence (17.3%) than other cultivars (1.9-8.0%). Symptoms did not increase in storage. In years 3 and 4 Castle and Payette Russets showed fewer symptoms than Russet Burbank and there was no change in storage. In all years and locations, overall fry color was not significantly impacted by symptom presence. The risk for TRV symptom presence at harvest and development in storage may depend upon season and cultivar.
Extension, Production, and Management