Mathuresh Singh
Potatoes NB/Agricultral Certification Services Inc.

Speaker Bio
Dr. Mathuresh Singh continues his distinguished career as a scientist and diagnostician, specializing in fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of potato. He completed his M. Sc. and Ph.D. in plant pathology with a minor in genetics and plant breeding in 1984 and 1988, respectively, from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India, working on Karnal Bunt of wheat. In 1989, he joined U. P. Council of Sugarcane Research as a plant pathologist to work on sugarcane diseases, such as red rot, smut and foliar diseases. After a brief stay at Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology as an assistant professor in 1992, he joined Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Research Centre in Fredericton, New Brunswick, as a post-doctoral scientist to work on potato viruses with emphasis on PVY. His research was focused on characterization of potato viruses and viroids, and the development of detection techniques. In 1996, he joined Agricultural Certification Services Inc. in Fredericton, NB, as a senior technologist and has continued as Director since 1998. This laboratory is owned and operated by New Brunswick potato growers and managed by Potatoes New Brunswick. The lab is accredited by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to perform diagnostic services on potato diseases, such as bacterial ring rot, potato viruses and viroid. He is recipient of several research grants and continues his research on development of diagnostic techniques for potato diseases particularly on detection and management of PVY.