Karen Brown

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services


Karen Brown
Karen has been a Public Health Consultant with the Michigan Department of Community Health, Tobacco Control Program since 1999. She has received a BA in Communication from Michigan State University and a master’s degree in public administration from Western Michigan University.

Her primary responsibilities include providing consultation and technical assistance on implementation of tobacco dependence treatment services to local health departments, health care systems and businesses throughout Michigan. She was instrumental in developing Michigan’s tobacco quitline program, which began in October of 2003. Since that time she has been the lead staff for the quitline contract with responsibilities for oversight, marketing and promotion. Karen, has strong interest in increasing access to tobacco dependence treatment and has engaged in several projects to reduce barriers with Medicaid and prescription coverage of cessation medications. In addition, she has served on the North American Quitline Consortium Advisory Board and has completed tobacco treatment specialist training through the University of Michigan.