Cylenthia LaToye Miller

Third Judicial Circuit Court, Juvenile Section


Cylenthia LaToye Miller
Cylenthia LaToye Miller is a Judge at the Third Judicial Circuit Court, Family Division, Juvenile Section. In that capacity, she presides over cases involving families working to reunify after addressing allegations of child abuse and/or neglect, as well as juvenile delinquency. She is a member of the Michigan Inter-Agency Council on Homelessness and one of the founding Judges of the Street Outreach Court Detroit (SOCD). SOCD is one of the most successful homeless intervention court programs in the country. She is currently working to establish a Homelessness Intervention for Parents Program at the Wayne County Juvenile Court. Its purpose will be to assist parents with eliminating homelessness as a barrier to reunification with their children following CPS involvement. Judge Miller has served the resident of the City of Detroit and Wayne County as a Judge for the past 15 1/2 years.