Advertising in MMC Onsite Program Book
Advertising in the MMC onsite conference program is an EXCELLENT way to let attendees learn about you!
Circulation Information:
The Conference Program is produced for all registrants at the annual conference. The annual conference expects approximately 2,000 registrants from around the state.
Ad Positioning:
Advertisers will be given the best location possible. Requests for preferred positions will be honored when possible.
Copy and Space Order Regulations:
MMC reserves the right to reject any advertising based on content and/or improper format or size. Advertisers and advertising agencies shall assume liability for content of ads printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom against MMC.
Color Ads:
The MMC Conference Program is coil bound and has a finished trim size of 8.5" x 11". For the color ads only, you must provide a 1/8" bleed on all sides beyond the 8.5" x 11" trim size and do not print text within 1/4" of margins due to coil binding. Color advertisements are only available for the inside front, inside back, and back cover positions.
Note: All ad rates are net (non-commissionable) and based upon electronic ad specifications.*
Ad Sizes
Full page black and white - 7.5" wide x 10' tall, no bleed needed
Half page black and white - 7.5'' wide x 4.75' tall, no bleed needed
Full page cover color ads - trim size 8.5" wide x 11' tall (include an 1/8"bleed)
High resolution .pdf or .jpeg advertisements shall be emailed to Erin McLaughlin – – by Friday, November 5th.