Current and Future Uses of Generative AI in the Practice of Strategic Management
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Robin Champ Stephanie Kusibab Mark Bills

Hear findings from research conducted in 2023 by the International Association for Strategy Professionals, the Army Strategist Association, the Baldrige Foundation, and LBL Strategies to identify current and future uses of Generative AI in the practice of strategic management. Generative AI took the world by storm in 2023, and during this session we will explore its implications for strategy professionals. Learn how others are using AI consider how you might be able to implement AI tools in your strategy work.

Location Name
Banff (M Floor)
Full Address
Fairmont Palliser
133 9 Ave SW
Calgary AB T2P 2M3