Innovation Through Culture: Stories From a Decade at Google
Friday, May 20, 2022
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM

As the world becomes more technologically advanced and digitally dependent, consumer behavior changes more significantly, rapidly, and unpredictably than ever before. A trend further emphasized and accelerated by a pandemic that no one saw coming. As we attempt to adapt to a "new normal," we must recognize that adaptation itself is a skill that must be prioritized. When no one knows what's next, our businesses and teams must develop cultures that allow for flexibility, new ideas, and innovation.    Based on a decade at Google, Steve Lerch will share stories of how simple cultural building blocks are more important drivers of innovation than massive budgets and armies of engineers. You'll learn simple principles and practical strategies that anyone can utilize to enhance the strategic thinking of their company or team. The same principles that allowed Google to help save lives, connect humanity, empower new populations, and even catch Pokemon.

How does this session align with the conference theme "Strategy in a 'Right Now' World" and topic areas
This presentation is focused on re-examining and rebuilding corporate, team, and individual cultures to be more open minded, more nimble, and more flexible. The speech emphasizes that with the world growing increasingly unpredictable, we should all stop trying to predict the future. Instead, the principles discussed will allow attendees to develop a mindset and build systems that can quickly react to whatever comes next.