Portfolios are too Arcane for Chaos
Thursday, May 19, 2022
2:10 PM - 3:10 PM

Are you dissatisfied with the ratio of unknown variables to calculable risk in your decisions? Skeptical of a portfolio approach that feels too one-dimensional for the impending disruptions your industry talks about but not quite able to articulate just yet? Frustrated with stakeholders not able to fully grasp the competitive and market landscape as well as they need to give you the buy-in you need? Resolve those critical challenges with cutting-edge frameworks and fresh developments in strategy from the heart of the most chaotic region in the world during the War on Terror. The SWOT is dead, Porter's Five Forces is an old paradigm. Participate in this session to gain special operations level understanding about tools and views of strategy formulation to address chaotic situations with multiple adversaries. Applicable to companies fighting for competitive position, identifying hidden market opportunities, and entering new market space with more ambition than their industry peers.

How does this session align with the conference theme "Strategy in a 'Right Now' World" and topic areas
This session is hyper-focused on the 'formulation' portion of strategy and what manner of tools and techniques make rapid prototyping and visialization of strategy for stakeholders far more effective in chaotic environments where risk is difficult to calculate. The session supports the theme of 'Right Now' by balancing the executive need for immediate answers while allowing for precision to be added later as information (data) becomes more readily avaialble as circumstances evolve in real-time.