Full Name
Stephanie Kusibab
Job Title
CEO & Chief Strategist
Essentiam LLC
Speaker Bio
Stephanie Kusibab is a strategy consultant with more than twenty years’ experience identifying and implementing strategic initiatives for organizations ranging in size from start-ups to those on Fortune’s Global 500 list. Stephanie spent a significant portion of her career as an internal strategist managing large scale, global strategic planning, visioning, new product development, and change management initiatives. In 2019 she founded Essentiam LLC to bring this large company thinking to small and medium size organizations. Essentiam is a strategy consultancy partnering with mission-driven organizations including for-profit businesses, membership organizations, non-profits, and municipalities to create organizational focus and accelerate growth through strategic visioning, planning, and implementation. Stephanie believes the most powerful ideas come from bringing people together. Through deliberate, structured interactions digitally and in-person, she helps organizations tackle high-stakes conversations, mine diverse perspectives, generate new ideas, build stronger teams, and capture market opportunities. Stephanie also helps leaders build organizational capacity and guide their teams during uncertain times with leadership and change management training while serving as a sounding board and unbiased observer to help identify opportunities for improved performance.
Stephanie Kusibab