Programming Diversity: Tips for Successfully Expanding Repertoire in the Instrumental Music Classroom

Saturday, January 29, 2022
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM


We look for the best literature to put in front of our students. We have a strong canon, and many of us rely on this repertoire to provide outstanding music for our students. What happens when it is brought to our attention that we have excluded large portions of our population? In this presentation, we explore the rationale for programming diverse music, strategies for finding music by underrepresented composers, the scholarship on potential issues of programming diverse music, and suggestions to guide inclusion of quality literature by diverse composers while retaining the best of core wind band music.

Learning Objective 1
To learn the importance of programming music that reflects the students in your classroom and opens windows to the world beyond their neighborhood.
Learning Objective 2
To address the potential challenges of performing diverse music and explore solutions to these challenges.
Learning Objective 3
To understand strategies related to a wider view of programming, including both the core canon of music and repertoire by historically underrepresented composers.
Target Audiences
Strings, Band
Session Level
Middle School/Junior High, High School, Collegiate
Session Type