Doing It for the Neighborhood: Community-Centered Economic Inclusion
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
David Longoria Ryan Winkle

Community development corporations (CDCs) are neighborhood-level nonprofit organizations created to support and revitalize communities. To find out what this means on the ground, dive into a case study of the Retail, Arts, Innovation and Livability (RAIL) CDC in Mesa, Arizona. Small business support and economic capacity-building are core to their work, but not all. Their ethos “Do It for the Neighborhood,” involves a comprehensive, place-based approach to neighborhood preservation and wealth-building. Hear about their strategies for building family income and initiatives focused on creative placemaking, heat mitigation and housing justice. It’s all in the name of having transit-oriented communities that work for – rather than displace – vulnerable populations.

Location Name
Cave Creek, 3rd Level
Full Address
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
340 N 3rd St
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States
Session Type
Slide Deck
CM 1.5 Eq 1